The Perfect Clones

The skill [Perfect Clones] was not something I took lightly. It was more than just a tool—it was a weapon, a strategy in itself, something that could reshape the way I approached every challenge. Unlike the simple clone spells that many mages struggled with, this was something far more advanced, something that few could even comprehend, let alone achieve.

The clones were not mere copies. They weren't some mindless replicas that required constant direction. No, [Perfect Clones] created four beings that were, in every sense, me. They shared my thoughts, my instincts, and my abilities. They weren't puppets; they were separate entities with the same potential as me, but the key difference was that they operated independently. They could think as I did, act as I would, and more importantly, they could make their own decisions without any input from me. It was as if I had multiplied my mind, my skill set, and my presence across multiple places at once.