The Demise of Love and the Dawn of Ruin

A singular thought whispered through the minds of humanity: what if every individual possessed the ability to create, to destroy, to obtain? In the wake of this contemplation, the world trembled with anticipation, as imaginations soared, and possibilities unfurled.

On one day of despair, Zamia, my cherished solace, slipped from my grasp, leaving behind only the haunting echo of her absence. 

Rushing to her side, I cradled her lifeless form, consumed by regret for not heeding the signs of her distress sooner.

As I gazed upon her once lively features now drained of warmth, a profound emptiness engulfed me, shattering the very essence of my being.

"Why?" I beseeched the heavens, my voice a desperate plea amidst the crimson-stained sky.

In my anguish, I questioned the cruelty of fate, lamenting the loss of everything I held dear.

Was it punishment for a monster born with This HELL FLAME?? Or simply the capricious whims of a merciless deity?

With trembling hands, I clung to her cold body, unwilling to accept the finality of her departure. "No!" I cried out into the void, my anguish reverberating through the silent chamber,

mingling with the stark scent of her spilled blood. 

But in the face of my desperate pleas, there was only silence, mocking and unforgiving.

Driven by a potent mixture of grief and rage, I vowed to defy the very fabric of existence itself to bring her back. 

"I'll bring her back, even if it means the world's destruction."

I took her to the necromancer named Magia.

" Her soul "Magia mumbled.

"What is wrong with her soul??"

"Her soul no longer resides in her body." 

After hearing that something inside me crumble more and more.

Something fell out of her hand.

I muttered, "This symbol!". Magia gazed at the paper.

"That symbol belongs to the crazy scientist organization, Dolaidh, doesn't it?"


"I thought it had been destroyed." Magia is lost in deep thought.

"Hey, hold on a second! Didn't we destroy it?"

"Yeah, we did", my voice was trembling with grief. 

"But why? What is this thing doing here?"I picked it up, and on its back was something written by Zamia. 

" Dear Ater,As you read this, I may no longer be among the living.

I understand the sorrow my absence will bring you, but you deserve a life filled with fulfillment.

I've made mistakes that I cannot undo; they are my burden to bear.

 Despite your belief in my innocence, I've kept secrets from you.

 I'm sorry I can't stay by your side any longer. After I'm gone, find someone who brings you joy and shares their truth with you.

My love for you stemmed from a desire to fill a void within myself.

I now see I shouldn't have exploited your goodness.

You are not the monster you fear yourself to be.

Time is slipping away, so please, live fully.

I do not seek revenge; I only wish for your happiness. With love and regret,

Zamia "

 "I knew it! I knew that you were approaching me for something."

My anger sets me ablaze.

Magia inquired, "So, what is your plan now? Revenge?"

"Yeah, first, I'll need details on who influenced her to be this way and all that she concealed from me."

My response came with a chill that could freeze the very air around us.

"She told you no revenge though." Magia folded her arms.

"She passed away without my consent. So, why should I follow her instructions??"

"Haha, what a psycho " Magia let out an awkward laugh.

"Help me"

 "my gain?"

 "Your desire?"

"I want a corpse of A level once a month and full protection from Your Hell Gate."


 "Deal, my friend. Hasn't it been a long time since we last worked together?"

Magia's creepy smile revealed her intentions with the corpses.

I cast a frigid gaze upon Magia.

"You already know what will happen if you run off again, right? There won't be a second chance."

Magia startled.

"Yeah, Yeah, I am aware of the situation, and I do not wish to be pursued by your Gatekeepers."

"So, now what?" Magia asked with excitement. "Back to Hell Gate"

"....., you seriously going to take me there? Your sister doesn't like me and you know that I will be treated like a spirit."

"You don't want A-Level Corpses?"

"No! I want it.", Magia responded promptly.

I smiled, "Then, shut up."

"You Devil, sob, Treating me, a fragile and beautiful woman, so roughly."

Magia began to create a drama.

I ignored, "Pack your things, we're leaving tomorrow morning."

Tragedy weaves love and ruin, revealing secrets and leading to redemption.