38 of us

The Farewell Dinner Party unfolded at Hell Gate's headquarters, a tranquil oasis amid the restless sea. 

Nestled among palm trees and surrounded by pristine beaches, the island was a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world.

All had gathered to bid farewell to the beloved members who had endured life-and-death situations together and were now leaving to pursue a normal life.

"Ater, you have to give a speech.", Rafael came to get Ater.

"Be quick, fool," Magia spoke.

"okay, okay"

As Ater went up to the stage, all went silent, anticipating his speech.

"I am overjoyed to see everyone alive when we don't know when or where we will die. I am thankful for everyone who stayed with me and believed in me. I have made mistakes that I can never undo. But I want our future to be bright and normal. For everyone who will be leaving, I hope you will obtain what you want. Now, enjoy your dinner."

Everyone applauded, marking the beginning of the night.

"Rafael, where are the kids?"

"They are at the corner. Look! "

Ater looked around and saw the kids huddled in a corner.

"It seems they are not used to it."

"Yes, after all, who would be? When every day was torture."

"I will go to the kids. You go and watch over Magia. You know her alcohol tolerance is bad, right?"

At that moment, Magia's voice echoed across the hall.

"Who wants to bet with me? HUH!"

"That idiot!" Rafael ran off to Magia quickly.

"Now I should go to the kids."

They were surrounded by new subordinates under Nemesis's command.

"Hey, hey, why do you guys get special treatment? What did you do, beg?"

The twins seemed annoyed, but Luci was calm.

"Hey, why are you not answering? Did the leader pity you because you were the same as him?"

Ken was preparing to punch, Mor was releasing the aura of her ability, and Luci was like a sea, calm before a storm.

"Are you guys having fun?" Ater interrupted.

"Leader! We are just having a little chat between peers."

"Peers? Huh?"

"Yes, yes."

"Let's have a chat too between leader and subordinates at the training hall tomorrow. Shall we?"

"Thank you, leader. We will take our leave now."

They left in a hurry.

The twins looked at Ater with admiration.

"Sigh. I apologize for being unable to control them. I will give them a punishment."

"It is fine, Big bro. Instead, eat with us," Mor said.

"Yes brother, Eat with us."

"Okay, okay, Luci are you okay with me eating with you?"

Luci nodded," Yes, I want you, Hyung."

"How adorable", Ater muttered.

"Eat everything you want and drink everything you want except alcoholic drinks."

"Yes, Big bro/ brother."

The dinner was a bittersweet affair, filled with laughter, heartfelt speeches, and shared memories.

As the evening progressed and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, a sense of peace settled over the island.

However, their tranquility was shattered when a menacing presence descended upon the island under the cover of darkness.

Armed with weapons and cloaked in shadows, the intruders launched a brazen attack.

They stormed the dinner party with ruthless efficiency, their faces masked and their intentions unclear.

"Everyone, eliminate the intruders. Rafael, protect those who can't fight and heal the injured. Magia, release your undead. Nemesis and Vita, keep only the useful ones alive. Show no mercy. Teach them what hell is!"

Ater commanded.

The once festive atmosphere turned into a battlefield, with shouts of alarm and the clash of metal filling the air.

The fight ended with a clear outcome and victory.

"Ater, here's an intruder we kept alive," Nemesis dragged an intruder forward.

"So, mister intruder, who gave you instruction to attack us?"

"I will never tell you."

"Oh really? You know even if you don't want to talk, your corpse can talk."


"Magia, make him undead."

Making undead means one soul will be forever trapped in the body, unable to move on.

"No! Please, I will tell you."

"You should have been like that from the start."

"We are mercenaries from all over the world. We were told that on this island, there's something they want being kept here. As long as we bring it to them, they will give us a billion USD. And we can keep everything we find here. I knew the mission was too easy and the profit too great, so..."

"Who are 'they'? And what is it they want? Answer me."

"They are .... AHHH"

The captured intruders exploded, leaving no trace.

"Is everyone okay?"

Rafael shouted.

"Yeah, it seems things will be complex again."

"Rafael, did you keep the kids and injured safe?"


"Nemesis and Magia, report the casualties to me. Everyone else, you can go and rest."

"Leader, what can we do to help?" Vita spoke up.

"It is fine, Vita. You all will leave tomorrow, and I don't want to trouble you."


"You know I can handle it. So, go and rest. "

"Okay", Vita and others left.

Ater discussed the casualties with Nemesis and Magia while Rafael took the kids to safety.

"Is that all?"

"Yes," Nemesis confirmed.

"You both can go and rest now."

"You should too," Nemesis said.

Everyone went to their rooms to rest.

"What a tiring day," Ater muttered and fell asleep.

A shadow loomed over Ater.

"Don't worry, I will keep you safe, Ater. Sleep well."

A kiss on his forehead.

What kind of future will be awaiting for Ater and his comrades?