Chapter 26 CHAPTER


  Hangovers fucking suck especially when I don’t remember what happened last night and why the hell I woke up in Jungkook’s bed wearing an oversized black shirt that doesn’t even belong to me.

  I flung myself out of the dark sheets and looked around. Panic flooded through me. I was about to try to leave when the door suddenly flew open.

  “Good morning princess, did you have a good night?” the devil asks me.

  “Why am I here?” I ask him back.

  He smirks at me and sits on top of the bed. “You don’t remember? You’re so fucking horny last night.”

  Shit! I should’ve escaped last night if he didn’t force me to drink. Now I remember everything. That’s why I don’t want to drunk myself because this always happen everytime.

  Embarrassment, shame and confusion was seen on my face while I stare at him. But wait, I think I only drink two shots of wine last night and how did I came up drunk and horny as what he was saying?