Chapter 29 CHAPTER

  It was pretty dark when we reached our destination. It was a house that was built just 100 meters away from the sea. I can see from where I sit that the water is clear and the place itself is so breathtaking. I will definitely enjoy my stay here.

  “Love, this is our safe house. Come, let me show you inside.” He climbed out of the car and helped me out as well. “Sir, aren’t you going to stay for the night?” he peeks on the ca’rs window and talked to Hoshi.

  “I have to get back to the station to gather informations about what happened to the hotel and with our men. Stay here Jeon, wait for further orders.” And with that, he roared off his car.

  When we get inside the house, a young man is watching television in the living room. “Dino!” Wownwoo called him, he turned his head to look at us and my eyes widened upon seeing his face. I recognized him as the kid who stole the wallet and blamed it to Dr. Boo.

  “Hey it was you!” I exclaimed.