Chapter 39 CHAPTER

  A lollipop? Seriously? As I climb up inside the bus, I made my way to sit at the very back and plop my body on my seat. I smile and open the lollipop that Angel gave me before I shove it inside my mouth. The sweetness of it in my tongue reminds me of Aera, my sweet Aera.

  I lean my head on the window and look outside when suddenly, my eyes caught up something—someone! Aera?

  She’s bobbing her head to the sound of the music inside her car. “Aera!” I called for her but of course she didn’t hear me.

  All eyes were on me while I shout for her name but I didn’t care a bit. “Aera!” I was knocking harshly on the window of the bus to catch her attention making the people inside groaned.

  They stared at me—some of them shook their heads in disbelief, as if they were thinking that I am a crazy man shouting inside the bus, while others looked at me with sympathy.

  “Hey! You’re very noisy! Get out of the bus!” the man just infront of my seat woke up with a frown on his face.