Chapter 4 CHAPTER

My breathing eased and soon panic attack was gone as Jeonghan laid down beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and whispered soothing words to comfort me, gradually sipping the warmth into me.

"You're safe now Yoo-mi. Sleep, I won't leave you alone." His words sent butterflies to my stomach. I closed my eyes feeling safe in his gentle embrace.

Sleep got to me at that point to half-consciousness and half-unconsciousness, I spoke. "I miss you, Jeonghan." I whispered before I closed my eyes.

I felt his warmness as he cuddled closer towards behind me. I felt a soft kiss behind my head and then a quiet whisper into my ear. "I miss you too, Yoo-mi."

A tear fell from my eye, hearing this words. A sign of relief. It's unbelievable that being this close here with him could erase all of those horrible moments in the dark alley, even just for a while.

And I have never realized it before, that I would need someone so bad in my life. Until now, right at this very moment. 

I turned around facing him. I squeezed my eyes shut burying my face on his chest and he tightened his hold on me. He planted a soft kiss on my nose making my heart froze in place and butterflies went crazy inside my stomach. 

I opened my eyes and looked up at him, his eyes smiling. I smiled and kissed back his nose before I went back to his chest and finally drifted off. 

"Goodnight Yoo-mi."






When I opened my eyes, the sun has risen and the bed beside me was cold. Jeonghan was gone. My heart rate was steady and I felt calm. It's surreal how I managed to sleep despite what happened yesterday.

I stepped inside my bathroom to take a shower then I walked out wearing only my underwears while drying my hair with my soft and fluffy towel.

"Pink undies? I love it!"

I screamed as I saw Jeonghan sitting on top of my bed. A bag of food and two cups of coffees on my table. I quickly covered myself with my big towel and glared at him. "I thought you left."

"I told you, I won't leave you. I just went out to get us something to eat. How are you feeling?" He smiled at me making my racing heart melted.

"I'm better. Thank you Jeonghan." I smiled back.

He stayed on my bed lying while his eyes piercing through me. I felt my cheeks burned hot as I was standing, glued on the floor.  "Do you have any classes today?" he then asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, my first class will start at 10." I answered softly.

"Okay, get dressed and let's eat unless you want to eat without clothes on, I wouldn't mind at all." He smirked and I felt my cheeks reddened again. I quickly pulled my clothes from the closet and ran to the bathroom as I heard his loud laughter booming in my room.

I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom only to find Jeonghan already seated at my study table waiting for me.

I sat in front of him and we started eating breakfast. I ate while trying to ignore the beautiful man I have infront of me.

He took a sip of his coffee and then looked up at me. "What happened yesterday?" I could feel his strong stare, making me nervous.

I raised my gaze and I met his dark eyes. "Josh and his cousin Megan, we went to eat dinner last night. I chose to take a shortcut home. I was tired and I thought it was safe to walk in there."

"Why didn't they take you home?" He gave me a disapproving look.

"Megan asked Josh to meet her boyfriend and they'll be out of the way if they will take me home. So, I told them to just drop me near the alley."

"You're a girl walking alone at night. Dark shortcuts are not something you should consider."

"Now I know, anyways, I walked through the dark alleyway and I stumbled with three men." I clenched my fists as I remembered the word of the man who dragged me.

"You're safe now Yoo-mi." Jeonghan placed his hand on mine and squeezed it, relief clearly on his expression.

"Thank you Jeonghan. You didn't have to do all of this."

"Don't think about it. I'm always here, Yoo-mi. For you." That made my heart accelerated..





"Thank you for the ride Jeonghan." I was about to open his car door when he grabbed my hand and stopped me from exiting his car.

"What time will your classes end?" he asked gruffly.

My brows furrowed. "Why?"

"Wait for me, I'll drive you home." he replied and my eyes widened. Why? I mean, why was he doing this? Saving me from the pervert men last night, lying with me on my bed until I fell asleep, eating breakfast with me, and driving me here in the school today was enough. All of those things were enough for me.

I really was speechless. I wanted to ask him why? "But-"


"No more buts please." he cut me off. His eyes pleading.

I nodded and smiled as I grazed my fingers on his cheek. Why does his skin felt so soft. I froze and my eyes widened when I realized what I was doing. I pulled back my hand from his face and grabbed the door handle but the lock of the door suddenly clicked.

"Jeonghan..." I whispered.

And to my surprised, he grabbed my arm and pulled me close until his face came closer to mine. I held my breath and closed my eyes when he captured my lips. They felt so soft and delicate, and his mouth smelled like fresh mint gum. He kissed me as if he wants to devour me and it felt amazing.