Chapter 102 CHAPTER


The night before the wedding has finally came and I’m standing in the living room, surrounded by dozens of pictures of Yoo-Mi over the years.

There’s one of her when she was five years old dressed in a Cinderella costume. Another one of her sitting on her dad’s lap eating ice cream.

A picture of her and Josh on the prom night, he was probably her escort.

Her high school graduation—where I chose to break her heart. Josh was standing right next to her. There’s images of her sledding with her mom, sitting on a sandy beach beside—Josh.

A recent one of her with Honey, their resemblance uncanny. The other photos were Yoo-Mi, Josh and Honey.

Her whole life is splayed out in front of me on the mantle, on the walls. I’ve known her more than half of her life but never been there for her. She’s been the most important person in my life since the moment I first saw her in her room 12 years ago.