Chapter 18 CHAPTER


I watched Wonwoo as he quickly put on his clothes and ran his way getting out of the room. “Wait Wonwoo, we’re not done yet!” I shouted. “Wonwoo!”

But he ignored me and immediately disappeared from my sight taking long strides going at the back of the house to find his phone that I threw away.

I fixed my clothes and ran after him but I was met by the grumpy cat who was looking at me murderously.

“I saw what you did!” she rasped, her grey eyes blazing fire.

“Huh?” I asked clueless. Is she talking about the phone? “Oh, I’m so sorry Luna, I didn’t know it was a phone because in our kingdom---“

“No!” he yelled at me and I stepped back frightened at her burst. “I am not talking about the phone!”

“Huh? Then what—“

“You kissed my man!” she snapped.

“Oh…” is all I have said. “You saw us?” My eyes widened. Luna saw us kissing and Wonwoo sucking my-- “But he’s the one who initiated it.” I defended myself but I could feel my whole body turned red.