Chapter 63 THREESOME

I yawned as I rolled over and I groaned, smashing my face into the pillow. The sheets were soft and clean-smelling and...totally not my bed. My still half-asleep brain was confused as I lifted my head up and squinted against the sunlight pouring in through the large window.

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I spotted the seagull sitting on the windowsill chirping. That must have been the one who woke me up.

I turned my head to the other side and I immediately smiled at the boy sleeping next to me. He was lying on his side facing me, his mouth slightly opened as he made a quiet whistle sound each time he exhaled. His arm was outstretched in my direction, and I realized he must have had his arm over me until I rolled over.

His normally styled hair was lying flat on his forehead and I couldn’t resist brushing the few strands out of his closed eyes. I continued running my fingers through his hair until my gentle motion woke him up.