Tyler Lewis was inside the black convertible car. He was the most popular guy in school, a heartthrob. Tall and handsome with a beautiful and lean muscular body that countless girls admired him and sought for his attention. He walked with confidence and grace. I liked him, too. And at the same time, I hate him because he was a spoiled snobby kid born with a silver spoon who thought he could do anything he wanted and bully whoever he wanted because his family was rich.

He parked his car at the parking area and went out, with his black backpack slung over his shoulder. He looked so fresh with his dark brown hair glistening, obviously wet from the shower. He didn’t remove the dark shades that covered his deep azure eyes making him more handsome as he walked down the hallway and was greeted by his best friends Justin Miller and Kevin Torres. The three of them were inseparable since pre-school, and they played together in the football team.

I continued walking in the lobby and turned the opposite direction to avoid them hoping they wouldn’t notice me.

I sighed in relief when I managed to walk away from them unnoticed. But then I heard another group of boys called me and was now standing in front of me, blocking my way.

‘Oh no…not now please. I have an exam in my first subject.’

“Mark, your favourite student has finally arrived.” I heard Harry whisper into Mark’s ear, loud enough for the student in the hallway to hear.

I lowered down my gaze and continued walking, ignoring them.

Mark smirked and I felt his hand on my elbow. “Hey hey hey! Are you in a hurry?” he asked and I nodded. “Not so fast my dear…”

“Please…not today.” I whispered and he frowned.

“What, what?! I can’t hear you!”

I yanked his hand away from my elbow and tried to run but someone tripped me and I fell down on the ground, dropping my books along the way. My round glasses were thrown somewhere and I heard them laughing out loud.

I looked up from the Nike shoes who tripped me and I saw Dave, Debra’s boyfriend and his gang laughing like they saw something funny. He high-fived with Mark and Harry as I glared at him, thinking of ways to murder him in my head.

Dave’s eyes travelled from me to the person beside me who handed me my glasses. I reached for it and I felt an electricity when my hand touched his fingertip. Out of curiosity, I looked up and saw those deep blue eyes that pierced inside my soul. “T-tyler..?”

“Get up and go!” he ordered me.


“I said, get up! Now!”

I quickly put my glasses on and picked all the books that scattered on the floor and got up, scared that he might change his mind and join Mark and his friends in bullying me.

“What the hell, Tyler?” Mark suddenly grabbed Tyler’s collar and held up his fist causing a shocking gasp to escaped my mouth.

I watched as Tyler looked between Mark and his fist. “Hit me. I dare you.” Tyler challenged him, smirking.

My eyes widened when Kevin and Justin lunged into Mark’s friends and before I could get myself into trouble with them. I scurried fast and left. I just slowed down when I got out of their sight.

What the hell happened just now? Why did Tyler defend me when I was bullied by his friend? I mean, how could the Prince Charming have something to do with me, a nerd with thick round glasses?

God knows that!

I entered the classroom panting and out of breath. I looked around to check if Mr. Twain had arrived and I felt relieved when I saw that he’s not inside the room, yet.

I walked to my seat and put down my stuff on my desk when I heard Violet, Debra’s friend whispered into her. “Your sister has arrived. Look at her, so gross. Eeewww!”

“Stepsister!” she corrected Violet and rolled her eyes. “And what do you expect? She’s a lazy ass bitch always waking up late.”

I heard them talking about me but I didn’t pay attention to them and flipped some pages of my book to read.

I was two years older than Debra but we’re classmates. Debra’s 16 and I was already 18 and we’re both seniors here at Horizon Institute. We looked totally different. She was curly blonde while my hair was straight red but covered with a black curly wig. Her body was curvy and I considered myself skinny but not too much. She was short as in 5 feet tall while I was 5 feet 7 inches.

I had a hard time living when dad passed away. I had to look for a job and save money to enroll in this school. I just recently learned that they offer scholarship programs, so I tried to take an examination and luckily, I passed and got the chance to study again.

The money I was earning from my job was for my allowance and for my savings in the future because I was planning to leave them, my family. Or do they even consider me as their family?

I was interrupted by my thoughts by someone yelling from the outside and was calling for Debra. “Debra! Debra!” he called out aloud.

Debra snapped her head and frowned curiously why the boy she doesn’t know was calling her. “What?”

“Dave and his friends, they’re in trouble.” The boy was out of breath while talking to Debra and her eyes widened upon hearing her boyfriend’s name.

Who dares to trouble Dave? Curiosity moved me to follow up.

Soon, I understand what is the so-called curiosity killed the cat.