Chapter 4 ANDREW

“Miss, you drop your pen.” A short guy told me, handing me my pen.

I gave him a small smile. “Thank you…” I said as I snatched the pen in a hurry but before I could take a step to leave, a voice stopped me.

“Hey, nerd!” Tyler called, referring to me, who else.

I turned around and I was shocked because he was too close that our faces almost collided. I could smell his scent, a combination of soap and cologne, and the warmness of his body vibrated through me, like a current. I had never been this close to him ever, and the feeling was so electrifying.

I stepped back but he grabbed my arm stopping me from moving. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Still checking if you’re on the list of who’s hot?” he smirked, his dark eyes were sharp and assessing, holding my eyes still. But I could not continue looking at him—his stares and nearness made my knees so weak. It would be embarrassing if I fell down at his feet. “Dream on, nerd!”

He released my arm and pushed me making me stumble back a little. Then he was gone in a blink of an eye.

I saw everyone looking at my direction and I looked down, ignoring their stares as I continued walking out from the bulletin board. Suddenly, a loud sound rings throughout the whole school for a few seconds causing everyone to quickly shuffled around me. I tried to move out of their way but it’s not working out so well when I was in the middle of the hallway and everyone was rushing to class.

A boy ran towards me with determination in his eyes—determination to get to class on time. He quickly ran past me, shoveling me out of his way causing me to lose my balance which resulted in my ass landing straight on the floor along with the announcement I was holding in my hand.

A whimper escaped my mouth as the pain hit my butt. I looked around me to see if anyone saw me landing on the floor. To my luck, no one was in sight. I mean no one. Not even a single fly. The hallways were deserted and quiet. I was the only one here while everyone was in class already.

Sighing, I got on my knees and picked up the paper on the floor. Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared above me causing me to tilt my head up to see who it is.

Standing in front of me was a guy with light brown hair that looked so soft. His hazel eyes that were covered with thick glasses stared directly at me, amused.

I avoided his eye contact and before I could reach for the paper in front of me, the guy picked it up and handed it to me. “H-hi…” he stuttered.

“Hi…” I gave him a small smile and stood up then left immediately.

“Miss, wait!” he called out. “Miss, I’m new here. I just want to make friends.” with what he just said, I made a halt.

I didn’t have any friends here on the campus. I don’t want to be friends with anyone, anymore. Because the last and only friend I had, left me because they hurt him. He left me and I don’t know where’d he went, but the last time I heard was he moved out of the country with his parents. I don’t want another person to suffer because of me, resulting in leaving me.

As I walked further away from him, I could still hear him calling me. And while I continued walking, I couldn’t help but remember the past.

I was sitting at my favorite spot on the lawn under the shade of a huge tree, reading a book when I felt someone sit beside me.

“Hi…” he greeted. “Why are you always alone?”

I looked up and saw a tall guy. Not wanting anyone to disturb me from reading, I shrugged my shoulders and continued scanning the book with my eyes when he suddenly snatched it from my hold. “Hey!”

“I am talking to you, Miss.”

“I don’t talk to strangers, I’m sorry.” I said uninterestedly, trying to get back my book from him. “Can you please give it back to me?”


“What do you want?” I asked irritably. Why is this guy disturbing me? The worst, he snatched my favorite book. I don’t even know him.

And then he smiled. “I want us to be friends.”

“How about a no?” I told him and fixed the glasses that sat on my nose, crossing my arms over my chest.

“How about I’ll give you back your book on one condition, be my friend.” he told me and at that very moment, our almost perfect friendship started.

His name was Andrew. He loved to play basketball and football. He loved to eat and was fond of animals. He became the best friend I never thought I could have because everyone in the school hated me for no reason. I mean, they hated me because I was ugly and a complete nerd.

In the next days and months, my life turned from lonely to happy. Andrew filled my life with joy and laughter. He made my life complete.

He would drive with me to work from school, and then picked me up after my work in The Grind coffee shop as a part-time student.

All the weekends, he would come into my room through my window using a ladder. We would watch our favorite movies or play some cards or chess then eat and sleep.

But before we could do everything we had in mind, I had made sure that all of the household chores were done so that Aunt Lucy won’t disturb me in my room and would lock it in case she accidentally barged inside.

“Stella, open your window.” It was six in the morning when I heard Andrew knock on my window.

“Andrew, what are you doing here early in the morning?” I yawned and stretched my arms before opening my window.

He smiled and brought a beautiful cat in front of me. “Happy birthday, Stella.”

My mouth gaped open and immediately grabbed the cat from him and caged her in my arms. “Oh my god, Andrew it’s beautiful!” I beamed, teary-eyed. “Thank you so much.”

We named the beautiful cat, Luna. She has two beautiful grey eyes, adorably tiny paws, and two perky ears which were very sensitive to sounds. It has a tiny body covered with smooth white fur. She’s easy to love because she’s humble and loyal. She hated Debra so she always stayed in my room.

“Andrew, you want to go with me in the library?” I asked him one day after lunch.

We made our way to the library laughing while talking about Luna, on how she always snatched Andrew’s food when suddenly, Mark and his gang blocked our way.

“What do you want?” Andrew asked.

“Hey lover boy, don’t meddle into this. We only want the nerd girl.” Mark said, pushing him aside.

But Andrew didn’t budge. He stayed in front of me blocking Mark from my view. “No! You stay away from her!”

“Better leave or regret you stayed.” Dave said, smirking. His eyes trailed to my face down to my chest, then back to my face again, pervert!

“Andrew, please leave now. Don’t worry, I can handle them.” I whispered but then I felt someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away from him.

“Hey! Let her go!” Andrew yelled but Harry suddenly threw a punch on him.

“Andrew!” I shouted, looked around me, hoping someone will stop this awful fight but no one seemed to be doing anything except for watching on them.

I couldn’t get away from Dave’s hold so I just watched Harry and Mark punching on Andrew nonstop while I was crying.

“Stop! Please…Stop them!” I cried getting down on my knees. I couldn’t let a person die on my watch, especially my best friend.

I took a deep breath in and out and stood up. With final breath, I raised my hand and punched Dave on the nose. The whole crowd gasped at what I just did and then I walked closer to them and pulled them away from Andrew.

And when I thought I couldn’t stop them, I heard someone blew a whistle and in a blink, Mark’s gang were gone. I saw Andrew lying on the ground unconscious and I shook my head crying. “Andrew!”

And that was the last time I saw Andrew before they brought him to the hospital. A week has passed when I received a call from him telling me he’s leaving the country.

It's always like this. I told to myself. Anyone who comes near me will be unlucky.