“Are you crying?” Vince asked me the moment I sat beside him inside the school bus.

“No. Something just got into my eye.” I wiped my eyes, trying so hard to stifle a snort.

Vince frowned and faced me. “What did Tyler tell you?”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I saw you talking to him in the locker area this morning. I know he said something you don’t like, Stella. You’ve been very quiet the whole day and didn’t even concentrate on our lesson. Did he bully you again?”

I couldn’t hide what I felt anymore. I was so hurt, and the tears that I’d been holding since this morning started to fall like raindrops.

“He’s a jerk. I thought he will treat you good because he needs a favour from you. I don’t like him for you anymore, Stella. My rating for him totally dropped to 95%! You shouldn’t agree—“