Chapter 122 MAKES SENSE



I woke up to the feeling of fingertips running through my hair and skimming my bare back. The sweet calming sensation caused me to let out a deep sigh and groan as I snuggle into her neck my face was buried on. Her neck.

The morning light trickled into the room in small rays of beaming gold and the soft songs of birds outside the window chirped so lightly that the faintest of noise could drown out their melody.

I didn’t bother speaking. I wanted to listen to it. To feel the iridescent serenity seeping through the cracks of the windows, dancing up the light, kissing the goosebumps on my skin.

Every part of me sang as Stella’s fingers traced my back, brushing her hand over my hair. I turned my head, so my chin rested on her shoulder and looked up at her.