“Stella! Over here!” the photographers called me but I shifted my attention to my fans who were shouting my name too at the far corner of the airport.

“Stella, oh my God! You’re even prettier than in television.” A girl shouted and I waved at her.

“She’s very beautiful…” another girl mumbled to her friend.

“Oh, God! I would kill to have that damn body,” I could hear someone muttered and I smiled at her compliment.

“Stella! Can I take a picture with you, please?” a young girl with blonde hair begged desperately.

I was wondering why they always so exaggerated about my beauty as if I was one of those Victoria Secret’s angels. Maybe they would collapse if they ever met one.

Every time I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw nothing new. I was just like those other girls who have long straight hair, but the only difference was that mine was flaming red. I have tanned skin, big green eyes, and small plump lips.