Chapter 144 DADDY


A week after, I readied myself and went back to my sister’s place. This is the day that I’ve been waiting for. That finally, I’d take my daughter home with me, to my house.

When I entered the living room, I saw Jenny sitting on the couch, her head bent down. And from the way her shoulders were shaking, I knew she was crying.

My eyes shifted to the little girl beside her, Skylar. She was holding Jenny’s hands, caressing them with her small fingers while she tells her soothing words, kissing her cheek repeatedly, saying I love you, and telling her promises that she would visit them always.

Hearing every word that my daughter said, melted my heart.

Dino was standing behind Jenny and was holding her shoulders, his eyes not leaving mine. I don’t want to lock eyes with him, I might change my mind. I might give up. I don’t want to.

When Skylar looked up, she gave me a small smile and walked in my direction.