Chapter 160 WIFE



“Sir, we have arrived.” I heard someone say and I slowly opened my eyes when I felt a hand touching my cheeks and then shaking my shoulder.

“Hmmm…” I stirred burying my face deeper into something that felt like a pillow, my nose sniffing the addictive scent.

“Wake up, baby…” I heard the now familiar dark and rich voice so I slowly opened my eyes only to find out that my head was placed on Tyler’s shoulder and my face was buried in the crook of his neck, loving the smell of his skin.

My eyes widened as I swiftly moved away from him making him burst into loud laughter.

“Let’s go,” he climbed down the car and extended his hand to help me out.

I rolled my eyes but placed my hand in his as I got out but just as I took a step forward, I faltered and was about to fall but Tyler was just in time to catch me.