Chapter 191 THE KISS


"You haven't approached him about it yet?" It was lunchtime when Dianne sat across from me at my table, her tray was set in front of her. I looked at her, not understanding what she was talking about.

“Who?” In between sipping on my cola and looking around for Cheol, I asked her a question. What is the reason he hasn't arrived yet?

"Of course, Cheol! Oh my God!" Dianne exclaimed as she crammed a slice of pizza into her mouth. I looked at her, my face a mixture of confusion and disbelief at what she was telling me.

I shrugged my shoulders and took another sip of my drinks, which were becoming bland by this point due to the fact that Cheol had not yet arrived.

“The kiss!” she then blurted out. “You haven’t asked him to kiss you yet? My God, Kelly! We’re about to graduate high school by the end of the year but you have never been kissed?"