Chapter 216 PARTY AGAIN


‘’You looked different...’’ Billy muttered the moment I approached his car, which was parked in front of the house. His gaze swept down my body and then back up again. He didn’t even try to be subtle about it. I kept my mouth shut and climbed into his car. ‘’Your clothes are actually fitting you tonight.’’ And then he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and re-adjusted my dress, wishing I was wearing the same attire as I had been the previous time I had. ‘’We're leaving the party before the clock hits twelve!’’

‘’Cinderella, is that you?’’ he joked and he earned a slap from me on the arm

‘’Shut up!’’ I groaned, tearing my gaze away from him, and looked out the window when I heard him laugh.

Billy remained silent for the majority of the drive, but I felt his hand reach out and grab mine, which was resting on my lap. I turned my head towards him with a questioning expression on my face, gently releasing myself from his grip, but he wouldn't let me go.