Chapter 250 MISTAKE


I made the decision not to attend my class in order to speak with Cheol. I wanted to set the record straight with him, to explain my side, and to inform him that I would consult my mom not to pursue the wedding and tell her that nothing really happened.

After Shiela had departed my room, I quickly showered and changed into a yellow sundress with thin straps that came to just above my knee-length. I had intended to return home to my mom's house as soon as I had completed my business with Cheol.

The moment I walked out of my room, I heard slamming doors, glass shattering, and Cheol yelling at Shiela while they were having an altercation. I immediately walked towards the closed room they were in.

What exactly is going on?

I got closer to the door where the noises were coming from, and I was taken aback when I realized that it was the room that I was not permitted to enter.