Chapter 257 FEEL BETTER


‘‘So, Jenny… tell me. What brought you here in Canberra?’’ Cheol inquired as he took a sip from his Cola. I sat down there and started to eat my spicy root and lentil casserole, but my ears were fixed on them, listening to what they were talking about.

‘‘Actually…I've come here because I need your help…’’ Jenn's voice was hardly audible above a whisper, yet I could clearly and loudly hear it.

‘‘Help? What do you mean?’’ Cheol inquired, the cheeseburger he was about to have a bite on, hung in the air.

Jenny, much to my amazement, began to snuffle. ‘‘Tyler is in desperate need of your help. It isn’t my intention at all. I promise….’’

‘‘Jenny…’’ Cheol finally placed his cheeseburger on his plate and wrapped his arms around Jenny in a tight embrace. And I felt my stomach plummet as I looked at them in front of me, feeling my appetite starting to lose. ‘‘I-I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying...’’