Chapter 278 HIS PLACE...


I've been waiting for Cheol for three hours and he hasn't shown up. My stomach was already grumbling from hunger. But it wasn't the issue for me. I need to talk to Cheol straight away to figure out what's going on. What had he been up to?

I grabbed my shoulder bag, keys, and phone before storming out of his office and headed my way into the elevator. According to Lorie, Cheol was still living in his penthouse, the place where he told me he loved me too, where we first made love, and the place I’d been wanting to visit, from the moment I arrived here in Canberra.

When I reached his place, I went straight to the elevator and pressed the 30th floor, ignoring the receptionist calling me.

The floor of his penthouse had been modified. I couldn't find any bodyguard, and there was no Bigs to greet me. I marched up to the door and turned the handle, which surprisingly opened.