“You’re sick, Migs!” I exclaimed frustratingly. “I can’t believe you’re seriously saying this right now!”
I don’t know why I was so annoyed at him, probably with the fact that he’s right. But I don’t want to fuck Samantha, I was fucking her already. Fuck!
“I don’t know, bro. But the way you’re looking at her…I’m sorry, maybe just my imagination,” he shook his head, changing his legs’ position from crossing them. “Or I was starting to feel a little crazy because my parents are putting things into my head.”
“Putting things like what?” I asked curiously.
“They are telling me that I should be with someone better than Sam,” he said. “Yeah, she’s pretty and all but she lacks from other things. My parents said that I should find someone who has an ‘elite’ image not with a girl like her.”