I intended to celebrate the signing of the project by going out to dinner with Rafael, one of the board members, along with Mr. Velkov and other Russian dudes; however, I made the decision not to go. There are a lot of things that are going through my head at the moment, and I knew the certainty that we would end up going to a bar… drinking heavily till dawn… and hooking up with some girls there.
I informed Rafael that I had already graduated on that ‘‘morning the night’’ partying and that it was time for me to start acting more responsibly. And also, we couldn't be sure what Mr. Velkov has to offer us, and that uncertainty would result in him giving us girls from the club that we couldn’t refuse.
‘‘Is that really you, talking dude? I can’t believe the CEO of the company I’m working for is refusing night parties.’’ I could hear Rafael chuckling over the phone. ‘‘Chloe’s not here! You should enjoy life, dude.’’