I made my way back to the city, but this time I did so to Albany, where Chad’s parents were residing. He informed me that he desired to speak with me in person.

‘‘Can you tell me what the fuck has just happened?’’ I bite out, my fist shaking with rage as I entered his parent’s house.

He filled me in on everything that took place on the island and how they were finally able to track down Scarlett. He shared with me every particular and piece of information that had happened, regarding the manner in which Chloe was almost being kidnapped by Scarlet's father.

The story Chad has told me was insane. I felt like a hammer just hit me right on my head because it fucking hurts right now. I felt useless for not taking care of Chloe.

And Chad had been on my side this entire time? Hell, from what I’ve heard, he even helped Chloe escape from that asshole.