Chapter 3 Grandfather’s will

3: Grandfather’s will

<< Miles >>

No wonder being the son of a billionaire has its advantages. Being heir to their empire is the biggest one. But it poses a fucking problem when your parents bicker you with constant ‘why don’t you get married and settle down’ question.

“Miles.. I am telling you, she is so beautiful. Just go on a date with her. I am sure you will like her.” My mom says on the phone.

“I am busy Mom…Gotta go bye!” I say and Liam snorts. I am not stupid enough to get involved with a business associate’s daughter.

“I am getting old Miles… I want to see you get married before I die…”

“Mom! You are barely 50 for fuck’s sake!” I say and cut the call.

Apparently, my family has achieved everything. All they want me to do is get married and produce babies, they can play with.

Such a lame way to live…

And why should I bind myself to one girl when I can enjoy the company of many?

I don’t like‌ the way my family works. That’s why I am working hard to build my own name.

“Seriously, why don’t you get married?” Liam, my assistant, asks and I want to punch his face.

If he wasn’t driving, I would have.

Now, if you are wondering why I don’t have a female assistant. The reason is simple.

When you fuck your beautiful assistant, they either expect a relationship or get sloppy at work. None of these two are acceptable to me.

And let’s not forget the potential lawsuit that comes with it.

So, No Thanks.

Coming back to Liam’s original question.

‘Why don’t you get married..’

“I will, when you do,” I reply and he shakes his head. I know he has his heart still stuck on some girl from high school. And he won’t get married anytime soon.

“Anyway, I think the minimum legal age to get married should be thirty-five or something!” I add.

He clicks his tongue and says,”Nah.. I think that’s because someone has poor self-control.”

I agree, I do have some lack of self-control when it comes to keeping my dick from sticking inside beautiful things, so keeping Liam as my assistant solves the problem. He is around to stop or warn me. and sometimes even save me.

“I just appreciate beauty… “I say cooly.

“Yeah.. even when that beauty belongs to someone else.. “ He snorts and I chuckle.

He is referring to an incident that happened last week. I didn’t do it on purpose this time. I swear to God.

“I think it was her responsibility to tell me that she was married.”

Oh well, what can I say? Beautiful things are my weakness.

“We need to be at Madison at 4 today.” He says after a while.

“Ok… Will reading?” I ask.

“Yeah..” He says.

My grandfather’s Will Reading. He passed away a month ago. So all his heirs will be there. Legitimate & illegitimate children under one roof. It’s not only me who loves to appreciate beauty.

I snort at the thought.

But I am damn careful about leaving the trail of babies behind. That’s not going to happen.

One thing my family did right was not to show off wealth. It helps us to stay anonymous.

I have seen how paparazzi swarm around sticking their noses in rich people’s lives. Women I sleep with will be fucking news headline every night. Only if they knew. It will surely give my mother a heart attack.

Although I am damn curious how grandpa has divided the empire. He was wise enough not to open this can of worms while alive.

Fucking Genius.

“Are you worried?”

I shrug. “Nah…” I say while checking my emails.

To be honest, I don’t need his wealth. I am doing damn good for myself with all my siblings combined.

Although more money doesn’t hurt. But we weren’t very close so I don’t have hopes for it.

“Why haven’t they replied yet? Results were supposed to be out by now!” I ask Liam.

I am waiting for a builder contract confirmation. I poured my blood and sweat for that one.

“We can ask David. We are almost there,” Liam says as we enter the parking of Cannon Design Inc.

I sign. “I don’t like him…” David Johnson is my partner for this project. I needed money, so I had to take him onboard for this one. He was supposed to take care of the contract.

Liam chuckles. “I can see you are pumped up to work with him for the next five years.”

I snort. “Sometimes we gotta keep our comfort aside to rise.”

“Jesus Miles… You are turning sage day by day.”


As we walk towards David’s office, his secretary asks us to wait. I grit my teeth in anger.

Nobody asks me to fucking wait. He thinks he is holding too much power over me on this project, and I don’t like it. He is enjoying this shit way too much.

“If he keeps up this attitude, I have got to fuck his wife to get even with him someday.” I tell Liam, and he looks amused.

“Mr. Miles… Mr. David had an emergency. He had to leave a few minutes ago,” the secretary says and I see red.

“Am I a joke to you Ms.…” I glance at her name plate “Ava?”

I stalk close to her. “I have been waiting here for more than 10 minutes. Get him connected to me now! Or this partnership won’t happen! Let me tell you… you might lose your job because of that…”

Liam stiffens beside me.

She nods and calls the fucker. And I finally talk to him.

“What the fuck is happening, David?”

“Miles, I swear to God I am not avoiding you. I had an emer-”

“Where is the contract confirmation?”

“Ahhh… that.. Miles listen... I don’t think we can do that.”

I pinch my brows in frustration. So he was avoiding me. I ignore the obvious and say, “Explain!”

I don’t have time to waste anymore.

“I… I think the risk is too huge. I don’t think I can spend this much and have it bound for 5 years.”


I should have trusted my instincts.

“You will never rise, David… Never…” Because I will make sure to pull the rug from under your feet.

I cut the call and we walk out.

“Figure out who is behind this, Liam. Why did he back off at the last moment?”

“Consider it done,” he says.

Liam shows me the phone, and we did receive a contract confirmation while I was talking to that traitor.

“What can we do now?” Liam asks.

My heart sinks. I worked too fucking hard on this one to let it go. But I don’t see any way out.

I stay quiet.


We spent hours trying to consider options. In the end, I just slump in my chair exhausted.

“Let’s go to Las Vegas.” Liam suggests.


“You need to loosen up. You have been working too hard since last few weeks.”

“All gone… Damn!” I smack the table in frustration.

“It’s not! I am sure you will come up with some solution after banging some girls tonight.“

I chuckle.

“What about that Will reading?”

Liam snorts, “You guys weren’t that close. I am sure your grandpa cannot be offended anymore. Anyway, I will ask the lawyer to send me the will so I can read and tell you the details.”

I shrug. I don’t mind.

I guess I do need to loosen up.


As we sit in a private jet for our night out. Liam sits next to me with Will on his iPad. It’s 4:30 already and God knows what drama unfolded at the mansion after this. By morning, I will know the details.

“I hope you get something.. so it will help you with the project…”

I huff. “He didn’t like me very much. So I have no hopes.”

“Let’s read and figure it out.”


And that motherfucker.

He did leave me something.

Fuck! but it’s not easy to access.


As a legitimate child and first heir of the Miller family, I have the right to access 3 billion from the trust fund. But I may access it only via my wife.

Yes, my wife.

The one that doesn’t exist.


I throw the iPad away and groan in frustration.

“It’s like dangling a carrot in front of me.”

“So you gonna do it? You have a year to claim that trust fund money.”

“Fuck no. I need the money now. I need to save the project now. I cannot marry someone from the street. And let’s not forget money will be handed out to us in installments.”

I groan in frustration. I wish I hadn’t read the will.

As per rules I need to stay married to her for 3 years. Each year, a billion will be released to me and my wife.

“We only need 350 million for our project.” I already have 170 to invest. I was never interested in family inheritance, but money is too good to ignore. It will set me ten years ahead in my plans.

But the question is: Where can I find a God Damn wife?