Chapter 44 Accidents happen

44. Accidents happen

<< . Sophia . >>

I had a freaking accident. Can you imagine that?

I didn’t know an airbag deployment would hurt so much. And that seatbelt. Oh My God, that hurt just as bad. I shouldn’t be complaining about it. Both definitely saved my life. I am glad it didn’t break my nose or my collar bone. But it still hurts.

I make my way towards Lena’s room, battered and bruised. An officer was generous enough to give me a lift. I think he was trying to hit on me. Doesn’t matter.

Lena opens the door and exclaims, looking at the warm bandage around my left shoulder. “What happened to you?”

I groan, “Don’t ask! I need a bath. Warm one.”

To soothe my aching body. Lena hastily clears a spot on the bed for me to sit. Her clothes are all over the bed.

“What were you doing?” I ask, while slumping on the bed.

Looks like she is packing again.