Chapter 47 Caleb

47. Caleb

<< . Sophia . >>

I make my way towards the beach. It’s a full moon and everything looks brighter. A little spooky even. I love this moment right now. I will join everyone on the trek to the falls. There is no point in hiding in my room. If a walk to the beach is so refreshening, I can only imagine how wonderful the walk through the forest would be.

I walk through a dense passage of trees. That’s when I hear a shuffling of leaves behind me. The hair on the back of my neck rises. Is someone following me? This is a private property. It’s highly unlikely that some intruder has made his way inside. The thought doesn’t assure me. I fasten my pace so I am not obscured by trees anymore. I hear heavy footsteps to match mine. Someone grabs me from behind and pulls me into the trees.

“Where do you think you are going?“ He growls.

I shriek.

He presses his palm on my mouth to smother my voice and says, ”It’s me!”

“Caleb?” I say as he pulls his hand away.