Chapter 55 Family Drama

55. Family Drama

<< . Sophia . >>

Raylan races behind me and I throw a glance at him while making my way towards the bar.

“Did you take the stairs?”


“Oh..” I let out a disappointed sound.

“Oh?” He quirks a brow at me.

“I thought you would run down a flight of stairs for me.” I make an innocent face and he laughs.

“I work smart, Sophie. Not Hard. “

“Isn’t it too early for drinks?” He asks as we enter the dimly lit bar.

“Now what? Are you gonna mommy me?”

He raises his hands in defense. “Sorry!”

“You better be,” I mutter. I am pissed. So God Damn Pissed right now. I don’t need anybody around.

Despite being early, the pub is crowded. It’s a holiday resort, after all. People are here to have fun. Not to tend their broken hearts, after all.