Chapter 62 Wrong expectations

62. Wrong expectations

<< . Miles . >>

“It’s nothing… We aren’t supposed to mingle with each other. Now that we have cleared this up. I should leave…”

Her words echo in my head.

I don’t get it.

It’s risky. I have decided to pressurize her, anyway. I want to know what's in her pretty head. But she isn’t ready to talk.

I never gave a fuck about any girls before. Especially if they play hard to get. I despise and push them out of my life in no time.

But with Sophia… I cannot. Also I know her words are out of frustration.

Is it about the game at Dom’s club? When I left abruptly. Technically, we never discussed why I left. Not that I can tell her the real reason when Liam is involved. It’s a sensitive topic. I never saw Liam that vulnerable before.

“I am not your sub, M,” she says finally. And a hope flares in my heart.

Now finally she has given me something. When I ordered her to stay, I was expecting her to walk out. But her reply. What does it mean?