Chapter 70 Blow jobs

70. Blow jobs

<< . Sophia . >>

“Fuck. There are so many things to explain…” He mumbles as I stare at him, a little offended.

“Well, for starters, explain why you haven’t told me before?” I ask, crossing my arms.

He hesitates for a moment before finally talking. “Because… Nobody knows. Not even Noah. I mean not officially..”

I frown unable to understand.

Then he turns and walks towards his cabin for some privacy. I follow him, gears in my mind turning.

What does he mean that Nobody knows? I understand his apprehension, so I stay quiet. Giving him space and time to think and open up to me.

As we walk in, I close the office door behind me. He turns and stuffs his hands into his pockets.

“She’s my half-sister,” he explains. “And Sophia, it will sound bad… because… it is bad. She is an illegitimate heir. My family kept her hidden.”