Chapter 80 Love


 << Sophia >>

“Yup! I was, and I wasn’t,” he repeats cryptically after the nurse and I look at him. He is grinning, but his voice is strained. I let out an irritated sigh.

I glance at the nurse and ask, “Would you care to explain? How bad is it?” 

“The bullet grazed his bulletproof vest,” she begins, her tone gentle but serious. “He was shot at a very close distance… So it still caused damage.”

I grip Miles’ hand tighter, feeling a knot form in the pit of my stomach. “What kind of damage?” 

Her face softens as she explains. “He has three broken ribs and the bullet also impacted his liver. His liver injury was serious, and he was in the ICU for 24 hours.”

My eyes sting as I swallow hard. “It’s all because of me.”

“No!” They both speak at the same time.

I wring my palms while trying to calm myself. It is dark outside the hospital widow and I glance around to spot the clock. It’s 9:15 pm and I am hungry. I have an IV attached to my arm. How’s Dad? Didn’t he come to see me?