Chapter 8 Take it or leave it!

“What the hell are you talking about?” Rose said and she is surprised to hear Henry talking about something like this.

“I will share you with Mike and Jesse. “ and laughing in her face, he said. “I am sure that you heard me from the beginning.”

“Share?” Rose said again, and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. “What do you mean by sharing?”

“About kissing you, touching you, sleep in the same bed with you” and smirking at her he says “ fucking you”.

“”I think that you hit your head, Henry '' and she pushed him and this time Henry let her go.

“This is a secret,” Henry said. “Only people in the high position in the pack know that.”

“You are referring to my parents and your parents.” Rose said, frowning at him.

“Exactly.” and coming closer to her Henry said.

But in Rose's head it is chaos and even Angel, she is not able to understand what Henry wants. Is he serious about sharing her with his brothers?