Chapter 36 I’ve been a good girl!

(Sex Scene)

“You know…”Rose whispered in Jesse’s ear “I’ve been a good girl” and Jesse feels that he will die in agony right there, in the middle of the street.

“Jesse” Rose whispered as she licked his ear “I am not ignorant anymore. I studied hard” she says and started to giggle in his arms, making him realize how drunk she is. She will never act like this, she is stubborn and proud and right now , in his arms she is just giggling and blinking her eyelashes at him, making him realize how vulnerable she is when all her walls are breaking down.

And seeing her like this is making him damned hard!

“I read a medical book today and I learnt a lot of things. You know?”

He just stops in his tracks and looks at her and can’t hold himself and holds her at his chest even harder than before.

“Jesse” Rose whispered again after a little hiccup. “I know things now. A lot. I really tried hard today. I have a lot of medical knowledge right now.”