The tension in the car increased the further we drove. It's a mystery to me where Marcus was planning to take me. I didn't feel like talking to him, so I just kept my attention fixed on the road in front of me, taking in the breathtaking panorama of the mountains we were driving through as well as the sights and sounds of the people we saw along the way as they strolled with their families and friends, entering shops, or simply admiring the scenery.
‘‘How do you find yourself feeling right now?’’ Marcus inquired while making an effort to strike up a conversation with me.
‘‘I'm fine…’’ I responded really shortly. But the truth of the matter is that I'm not. I still don’t understand what’s taking place with me, and I have to figure it out as soon as possible or else I will go insane.
I was taken aback when the emblem of Brooklyn hospital came into view, and I immediately turned to face him, but I didn’t know what to say. However, I believe that it was for the best that he brought me here, because I would soon have the answers.
After he pulled up into the parking lot of the hospital, the first thing I did was question him, ‘‘What are we going to do here?’’ before I watched him unbuckle his seatbelt.
‘‘Let's ask the doctor about your situation...,’’ he said, leaning over to unbuckle my seatbelt, causing me to flinch a little bit. It seems that I will just have to get accustomed to the fact that he will suddenly lean over to assist me in buckling my seatbelt.
After getting out of the car, I made sure to shut the door behind me, and waited for him before we entered the medical facility together, with his hand on my elbow.
We made it to the door that had a name plate made of gold hanging on it. Dr. Joe Watson was the name engraved, and before Marcus could even lift his fist to knock, the door opened, revealing a tall middle-aged man in a white lab coat with eyeglasses sat on the bridge of his nose.
‘‘Oh, hi there, Mr. and Mrs. Blakely, come in...’’ he greeted, as if he had been waiting for us to arrive all along. Perhaps Marcus had already scheduled an appointment prior to our arrival at this place.
Marcus allowed me to enter the room first, and then he came in after me.
‘‘What exactly is the problem?’’ Dr. Joe began our conversation as he motioned for me to sit on the chair in front of him before he himself took a seat on the swivel chair behind his desk. His eyes darted back and forth between Marcus and I as he waited for someone to initiate the conversation.
I turned my head to look at Marcus, who was still standing behind me and had his arms crossed over his chest. He indicated with his head movement that I ought to discuss my condition with Dr. Joe.
After clearing my throat, I turned my attention to the physician and began to explain the circumstances of the issue. ‘‘In point of fact, I... I can't recall anything that has occurred to me, I mean… the last thing I can remember is from ten years ago when Marcus stood in my way when I was still in high school. That day I was going to...’’ I paused for a moment.
Should I let him know that I was planning to confess my feelings to the person I've had a crush on that time?
‘‘You what, Mrs. Blakely...?’’ Dr. Joe's question patiently asked as he held his pen suspended in midair. Almost certainly, he was making notes of the things I was relating to him.
‘‘I was planning on seeing my friend... yeah! That’s it!’’ A worried smile formed on my face. ‘‘And then Marcus wouldn't let me… and I distinctly recalled him standing in my way as I descended the stairs. The last thing I remember was that… I fell on that stairs. And then yesterday, when I woke up, this man who had previously bullied me was telling me that he is my husband, and that the two of us have a son. What do you think of that? That’s unbelievable, right?!’’
Dr. Joe carried on writing on his note while at the same time pausing to reflect and think before carrying on with his writing.
‘‘This is an extremely unusual occurrence. Mrs. Blakely...’’ he stated while leaning back in his chair and taking off his glasses. ‘‘However, I don't believe that there's anything wrong with you...’’
‘‘Wait, what?’’ I looked at him with my eyes widened.
How could he make a conclusion that there's nothing wrong with me when I already told him that I lost my memory of ten years.
‘‘You're kidding, right?’’ I inquired while clenching my hands in frustration on my lap. ‘‘Here you are telling me that nothing's wrong, yet I can't remember anything from my memories from 10 years ago! What kind of a medical professional are you?’’
I was able to hold out for just so long. I leapt to my feet and slammed my hand down on the surface of his desk making him jump on his seat.
‘‘Felicia…’’ Marcus tried to calm me down as he pressed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to get back to my seat. ‘‘Take it easy...’’
‘‘No!’’ I yelled out as I fought desperately to break away from him. ‘‘I need to know what's wrong with me, and your doctor needs to tell me about it! He’s a doctor and he should know and detect the problem! Why is it that he can't see the problem that caused me to lose my memory? And he just concluded just like that! He didn't even do a test!’’
‘‘Fine… fine!’’ Dr. Joe put his hands up in a gesture of submission. ‘‘We’re going to arrange a CT scan for you in order to determine whether or not you have, in fact, lost your memory...’’
So, he didn't believe me when I said I couldn't recall anything at all, did he? I sneered at him, but within, I couldn't help but feel anxious, worrying what if I have to stay in this world forever? What if I’m going to stay married to this jerkface for the rest of my life?
I bit my lip and fidgeted with my purse while Dr. Joe was talking with someone on the phone, giving instructions to someone else to get the CT scan room ready.
When all of a sudden, I felt Marcus holding my hand and firmly holding it in his grip. Perhaps he was able to pick up on the fact that I was both uneasy and worried at the same moment. ‘‘Don't worry about it, Felicia... I'm going with you.’’
I nodded but soon removed his hand from mine and stood up when the doctor hung up the phone.
‘‘Let's proceed to the room where they do the CT scans...’’ Dr. Joe announced and led the way out of the room.
As soon as I entered another room, a female nurse presented me with a hospital gown and asked me that I change into it. She also requested that I remove any metal objects, such as jewelries, coins, and my mobile phone, from my body.
While the nurse assisted me in laying down on a bed, I noticed that my heart was beating quicker, and I had to force myself to swallow when the bed moved slowly through the gantry.
‘‘I ask that you please suppress your breathing and keep your position. And please… hold still as possible to prevent the scanner from capturing blurry images…’’ I became aware of a sound coming from the intercom, and shortly after that, the x-ray beam of the scanner began to rotate around my head while producing a loud noise.
I kept my eyes closed because I found it to be very stressful while I was inside the machine that resembled a tunnel. However... I was confident that I did not suffer from claustrophobia... so I guess I didn't need to be too concerned about it.
The procedure took about fifteen minutes, and I let out a sigh of relief when the nurse announced over the intercom that it was finished. She then directed me to wait for the result outside the examination room after I had changed into my clothes.
‘‘Let’s go and have our lunch first while waiting for the result…’’ Marcus said as soon as I exited the room, extending his hand on me, but I ignored it once more... and I could hear him heave a heavy sigh.
I rolled my eyes as I led the way towards the car, and as soon as I saw him unlock it using the remote control he was holding, I jumped inside and waited for him to climb up.