When Marcus gave me another spoonful of the lasagne from his plate, I felt sick to my stomach and had the urge to throw up. ‘‘This is your favorite…’’ he smiled as he asked me to open my mouth once again.
‘‘Marcus, I can't eat any more!’’ I said, pushing his hand away, but he still pushed the spoon inside my mouth, and I had to resist the urge to punch his handsome face.
The fact that he expected me to always act in accordance with what he stated was really irritating to me.
‘‘I said… I don't want it!’’ As I stood up from my seat, I gave his hand a solid smack.
‘‘You haven’t even taken half of it…’’ he said, his voice was so low that it sounded as if he was sulking at me.
My earlier feelings of guilt surfaced once more, and in response… I averted my gaze to avoid making eye contact with him.
I was standing there watching him while he finished his food, and he let out an irritated sigh before continuing to eat.