Chapter 24 SLEEP


After an awkward dinner with Marcus and Kenny, I offered to do the dishes, and Marcus simply nodded his head in response before he turned around, and brought Kenny back to the room.

While I was wiping the plates, I couldn’t help but think that by this point, Marcus had already discovered that some of my things were no longer in his bedroom, which made my heart race when I thought about his reaction.

He would get mad at me for sure, but I didn’t care. This is my life, and he shouldn’t stop me from what I wanted to do.

I had just finished wiping down all of the utensils when I decided to head upstairs, feeling my knees shaking in nervousness as I ascended the steps. I peered inside Marcus' bedroom when I noticed that the door was cracked open just a little bit, and I frowned when I didn't see them in there.

Where did they go?