I used my hand to signal Gellie that I was too busy to talk to Marcus at the moment, and she acknowledged my gesture by nodding and understanding what I meant.

‘‘I’m sorry, Sir…’’ I heard her say to Marcus, her voice was so low, afraid that she might be scolded by my husband. ‘‘But Miss Felicia is busy right now--- oh, okay, Sir. Okay…’’

Gellie covered the mouthpiece of the telephone with her hand and then drew closer to me.

‘‘Sir Marcus said, he wants to tell you something important…’’ my personal assistant whispered, and I heaved a sigh as I took the phone from her.

‘‘Yes, Marcus…?’’ I asked, frowning. I was still upset by the fact that I couldn’t remember the password of my laptop. I have to open it as soon as possible.

‘‘Felicia…’’ Marcus said, and I could already feel the excitement in his voice as he spoke. ‘‘I have an event to attend tonight that benefits a charity, and I'd really like for you to join me...’’