Inviting, Horny and Naked Amy lay in my bed and I just watched her for hours while restraining my emotions to not take her this time.
No, if this time she would need me in her bed I want her to be in her full senses not manipulated by the drug effect in her body.
“Huh,” With my last cigarette crushing on the piles of other cigarette butts in an ashtray, I finally stood from my place and approached Amy slowly.
I wanted to hop in the bed with her naked body pressed against mine, but knowing well the consequences of it, I decided to put my T-shirt on her.
She was comatose at first, but when I held her closer she trembled from my touch and her brows twitched showing the discomfort on her face.
“Sssh, sleep,” Patting her head, I caressed her hair softly to put her back to sleep because being this near to her I won’t be able to refrain myself from not taking her.
And it would ruin all the efforts I was trying to make to get her back.