(Severus' POV.)
"Gregor!" I growled as I saw his face. I never thought that a person like him was the real mastermind for attacking my night. Yes, I suspected him a moment ago but I never thought that I would be right in guessing. He was really have a rotten personality.
"Yes, I am. And I'm her to get the right position that I belong to." Gregor uttered while his both hands were inside his pocket. His appearance was like a mafia boss because of his black suit and the numbers of guards behind him.
After hearing him, I felt that he was now getting into my nerve. I step closer next to the wall where the alarm signal was attached. I secretly pressed it and the roaring sound alarmed my armies outside.
"You bullshit!" Gregor was angrily shouted at me, accompanied by the sudden changed of his appearance. He turned into a massive black wolf with a very broad body. I really put in shocked seeing his wolf for the first time.