‘‘We had a mutual agreement on the conditions...,’’ My father reminded me, and I nodded in acknowledgement as I took another mouthful of the steak that was on my plate. ‘‘No drinking...’’ He was reiterating the rules, putting his arms across his chest, and abandoning his food.

I came very close to rolling my eyes. I had tasted alcohol once, when Devon and Gian made me drink beer at the basement of our dorm and I guess I’m gonna try it again in my college life, but here was my father trying to control my life again with his teenage rules.

‘‘No clubbing...,’’ he added, waiting for me say the rest of his rules.

I looked up from my plate again before I heaved a sigh, but I smiled sweetly at him. ‘‘No walking alone at night…’’

‘‘That, too is very important…’’ he wagged his index infront of me. ‘‘And under no circumstances should you engage in conversation with a complete stranger, regardless of the setting, understand?’’