After the nurse announced that grandma was already awake, I rushed inside the room, and found her lying on the bed. As soon as she heard the door open, she opened her eyes, and called out in a very weak, but happy voice, ‘‘Cohen…’’


Following her gaze, I noticed that Travis was standing at the doorway behind me, holding the doorknob as he stared back at grandma. Grandma had misidentified Travis as Cohen. I couldn’t blame her though. After so many years of my husband not seeing her, she might’ve forgotten what he looked like.

Grandma's face lit up for the first time after being in the hospital for years. Her eyes were filled with emotions as she glanced excitedly at Travis.

Travis, on the other hand, turned around and walked away.

For a little period of time, I was unsure of what to do. Grandma's tears streamed down her cheeks, and I knew she was disappointed at Travis for leaving without speaking to her. I chose to follow him.