Chapter 7 FAKE BRIDE


Clover was on the verge of crying as she came to the realization that the man they considered to be ugly was, in fact, a handsome and attractive looking individual. On the other hand, Kelly was completely taken aback and most likely failed to comprehend what she was witnessing. The fact that the man I was going to marry looked like one of the models featured on the front cover of a magazine was something that I, myself, did not anticipate.

This man who was standing next to me has dark brown hair with no streaks yet of gray or white, and his eyes were the color of a morning sky. Surely, Clover admired this man the moment she laid eyes on him, and she most likely felt regret for her decision to forego the opportunity to become his bride.

The priest started the ceremony, and everyone in the room fell silent. ''Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses to join Raphael Stewart and Clover White in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men, and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but revently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.''

Indeed. Everyone in the room thought that the woman Raphael would be going to marry was Clover, except for Harlan and Kelly, of course. The priest continued to speak, I felt my heart pounding hard in my chest. I slowly looked over at the man standing beside me, and I gasped when the sight of the changing sky could be seen behind him. Plum and fuschia danced across the backdrop as I felt every broken, hurt piece of my heart grow deeper as the ceremony went on.

Raphael started to read his vows, and I didn’t understand a single word that he was saying because I was experiencing an excessive amount of anxiousness right now. ''I, Raphael Stewart, take you, Clover White to be my wife…'' his voice startled me. It was deep and eloquent. He might be angry, but his tone was calm and collected, perhaps in recognition of the solemnity of the vows.

Given the set of his jaw and the muscle that clenched in his cheek, I had anticipated him to speak with an icy fury. But he spoke with determination rather than rage.

All too soon, and it was already my turn. I strived to maintain a steady tone in my voice as I spoke. '' have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health…'' my voice broke on the last words, but I held my head up and did my best.

The ring slipped onto my finger and a strong, warm hand held mine. The memory of that night, when those same hands also gave me pleasure, caused my entire being to quiver. My own fingers felt ice-cold, but I returned his grip with a gentle firmness.

''You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in His goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with blessings. I now pronounce you, husband and wife...''

It was too late for me to change my mind, to back out, to run away. Now that the wedding ceremony had ended, I had the sensation that I was still floating in the air.

I was only jolted back from my dream when Clover suddenly met us in the middle of the aisle while we were walking down towards the exit. ''Congratulations, Raphael and sis!'' She smiled in a way that was both alluring and inviting as she congratulated us. ''I’m your new sister-in-law, nice to meet you!'' she extended her hand for a handshake, and I waited for my already husband to take her hand, but to my surprise, he grabbed mine and pulled me away from her, ignoring Clover in the process.

I turned my head and saw Clover’s face. She looked pale. It was probably the first time a man rejected and ignored her. She immediately ran back to her mother, and I could hear her saying, ''Why didn’t you investigate Raphael first? If only I knew that he was so handsome, I wouldn’t have allowed Naya to marry him! At least not let Naya marry a handsome man like him! She doesn’t deserve Raphael!''

And Kelly’s response would be, ''Sweetie, you’re still young, and that man’s physical appearance isn’t really that important. He doesn’t have what it takes to support himself and make a living. Everything you see around you, if not for the Stewart family’s arrangement, simply can’t be so decent…''

I shook my head and diverted my attention away from them, letting Raphael lead me towards another luxury car.

Raphael let me in first, and then he followed, settling himself next to me in the passenger seat. I bit my lip, looking at the interior of the luxury car. And as if he could see my concern about the car, Raphael cleared his throat before he spoke. ''Be careful not to scratch or bump any part of this vehicle. I only rented it…''

Oh, really? Those luxury cars parked in front of the house earlier were only rented by him? I wonder how much money he spent on this wedding just to make it beautiful like this.

I chose to disregard him, and as I leaned my head against the back of my seat, I couldn’t help but think back on that night when something happened between us. Heat instantly crept up my cheeks, and I slowly shifted on my seat to face him, ready to explain to him that I was drugged that night, which was the reason why I didn’t know what I was doing the whole time.

I opened my mouth, only to be cut off by him, his voice unsurprisingly icy cold. ''Remember that you’re only a contract wife, and I don’t mind if you are working as a prostitute. But now that you’re already my wife, you can’t go back to that job, understand?''

''W-what? M-me... prostitute?'' Wait. Did he already know that I was the woman he had a one-night stand with, and he thought that I was sent to him to give him pleasure?

Oh, no. This was a misunderstanding.

My hand instantly lifted up and was about to slap his face, but he was quick enough to catch my wrist, his cold sapphire eyes glaring at me. Tears welled up in my eyes, swiftly shaking my hand from his hold, and turning away from him. I blinked my eyes a few times to prevent the tears from falling.

This man at my side was a stranger—even a hostile stranger, from the way his gaze had narrowed into slits as he looked at me. I knew this was only the beginning. He would surely become more furious if he discovered that I was his fake bride.