Chapter 10 POOR BEGGAR


''Aunt Naya, would it take a lot of money to cure me?'' Nico softly asked as I carried him back to the ward. ''I don’t want to see you suffering because of me. I want to see you happy. So, I think… it would be best if we could just stop my treatment…''

‘''No!’’ Not only did he flinch in response to the volume of my words, but his eyes instantly began to glisten with tears. ''I'm sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to…’’ I sighed. ‘‘Please… don’t say something like that again. I want you to know that you are my happiness, and I’ll do everything… anything just to save you.''

Nico nodded before he flung his arms around me and hugged me tightly as I put him down on the hospital bed. ''Thank you for not giving up on me. I’m sorry if I’ve said that. I was just afraid. Mom had already left me. I’m afraid you’re going to leave me as well, because I’m becoming a burden to you…''