After going through several rounds of revisions, Miss Aria finally approved the visual representation that I had presented to her. But she assigned me another task, and gave me until the afternoon to finish it.

I submitted it before lunchtime, and she called through the intercom after ten minutes.

‘‘Make some revisions!’’ I haven’t even had a chance to speak, but she has already hung up.

Taking a few deep breaths and heaving a sigh in annoyance, I sat up straight, and started working again. I turned my phone into silent mode the moment I sat down at my desk this morning, since I didn’t want anyone to interrupt me while I was working. Besides, I wasn’t expecting any texts or phone calls from anyone that day.

It was lunchtime when the idea of checking my phone occurred to me. My eyes widened when I received a text message coming from the CEO, and I felt awful for not checking it right away because the message had been sent to me four hours ago.