Yard Sale

Elysium Empire- May.4 2024

The DeMont sisters are at a yard sale. The dark haired one checking out fake jewelry is none other than Bonnie DeMont, the younger sister who likes to collect knickknacks that look weird solely for the sake of figuring them out. She's a firm believer in peculiar objects having an intriguing backstory.

This yard sale is massive. Three different families converged to sell their hand me downs. She had already lost track of her sister 20 minutes ago.

Further down, a blonde woman by the name of Dixie DeMont was sorting through a large collection of books in the hopes of finding something that would take her mind off of her failure at job hunting and looming student debt. A burden grown heavier ever since her wealthy father refused to help her. He refused to take her calls, or respond to her texts and he seemed determined to act as if he didn't have daughters.

All because of that bitc----Ahhh, enough girl! You're here to distract your mind from that shit. Don't put yourself in a bad mood. Look, the sun is shining. Many people are smiling and laughing. Just focus on that. Harmonize with your environment.

Dissatisfied with the selection before her, she walked over to another table laden with books. This one was smaller and the books appeared very worn out. Her eyes lingered on the one placed off to the side. There was no title or author name, just black cover with a white infinity loop drawn in the center. How peculiar.

She smiled politely at the old woman seated behind the table and asked for the price. The old lady looked confused which quickly changed to surprise. She followed Dixie's gaze and looked back and forth between the young girl and the holy book.

Could it be? After all this time? Had the Goddess given humanity another hope?

"I'm sorry, young girl, but which book are you referring to?" Her voice leeched with excitement.

Dixie's brows furrow. "This one right here. It's in plain sight...or is it not, for you? Do you perhaps have poor vision?" Her tone softened with sympathy.

The woman's wrinkled face is set in a curious expression. "Can you describe what you see on the cover?"

"Just an infinity symbol."

The elderly woman gasps and clasps her hands together. "Take it then, little lady! This token is now yours."

Dixie's eyebrow arches at the strange choice of words as she inquires about the cost again.

"No cost. It's yours! If you can see it then that means it has chosen you. Or rather she has chosen you."

"She? What are you talking about?"

The elderly woman's eyes go dreamy. "Our protector. Goddess Kartara."

Dixie smirks. It appears she's dealing with a practitioner of Kartaranism. It was an old religion that once thrived in the Elysium empire. A form of paganism that lost it's impact on the minds of the citizens 200 years after the death of Empress Felicia Viviane Del Montague. She was a key figure who saved the empire from the clutches of an evil Pope and other demonic spirits nearly 500 years ago. Dixie took it with a grain of salt. Although the story of the warrior turned empress was taught in Social Studies in both middle and high school, she always found it too fantasmical to believe. There was so much mention of magic and sorcery involved in the historical account of the life of the polarizing empress. How much of it was actually real? People were so superstitious back then. Many people hated Empress Felicia whilst others loved her. She was described to be a bold woman living in a time where ladies were expected to be meek and subservient. Naturally, her legacy was that of a life filled with trials and tribulations.

Dixie pulled out her wallet. "I cannot take this book for free. I appreciate your generosity, but please charge me for it."

The old woman shook her head. "I cannot charge you for it. That would be breaking the rules."

"Who's--are you referring to your Goddess?" Dixie chuckled in amusement.

"Yes! As you've already guessed I'm sure, I am a worshipper of the Goddess Kartara. And I must give you this book for free because not only did you see it, but you also saw the symbol. Her symbol."

"I thought the Goddess's symbol was a sword." Dixie replied, remembering her history lessons.

The old lady smiled. "Yes, that was her main symbol for the longest time and is still recognized as an important artifact, but the infinity symbol which came later on holds a far more meaningful impact. It represents the holy siblings who travelled through time."

Although Dixie was entertained, she wasn't in the mood to go down a wormhole. She picked up another book at random and asked for it's price. The old lady sold it to her for $15 dollars and placed the black book on top of it.

"You must take this. Please do not argue with me. I'm an old soul, I know a lot. I've seen a lot. I see things that most people with 20/20 vision cannot see."

Dixie was baited again. "Are you a fortune teller?"