White World

Dixie was running. She didn't know the why or the where. She just felt compelled to run like someone being chased. Her surroundings are that of a foggy beach. She can vaguely make out an ocean of white water. Her shoes crunched against the hard sand as she flew by like a breeze. That in itself was an anomaly since she had zero endurance. But right now she felt like she'd been given a burst of strength from deep within. 

Her surroundings suddenly change and become a dense forest filled with coniferous trees that are also pure white in color. The grass is white and the fog has gotten so thick she can't see further than her strides. She groans in discomfort as the sharp pieces of pine from the Christmas trees scratch her face and hands as she pushes through them. She still doesn't know where she's heading, but the sense of urgency has not left. White twigs snaps underneath her forceful stomps as she's unwilling to be trapped in the tree colony for too long.

In the next moment, the trees halt their intrusion to make way for a large, open field. Or rather a swamp. She struggles through calf high water and goes up a hill. Right when she reaches the top, the ground gives way. Her legs flail as her body plunges into an underground river of white water. It carries her over a water fall, smacking her into a lake. Feeling no pain, she holds her breath and swims to the bottom as fast as she can. Rather than drowning, the white mist and water suddenly disappear and she's surrounded by a deep blue.

Holy crap!! She's falling from thousands of feet in the sky! Is this the part where she goes splat?! Her toes and head keep switching positions as she spirals down at neck breaking speed.

What the hell!! Am I still dreaming? Did I dream about waking up and going into my kitchen? Is this the part where I truly wake up? According to Inception, the feeling of falling jolts you awake. It's called a kick. I've been falling for a good minute by now. Why haven't I woken up? Do I have to die instead?

She snaps out of her thoughts as civilization comes into view. There is a massive glass dome approaching.

Oh my god! This is the part where I die, right? I'm going to die by broken glass. Is that a quick death? Please just let me die by impact. I don't wanna spend time bleeding out with glass in my body. That's pure torture!

Miraculously, her body simply passes through the dome. She catches a brief glimpse of a large marble room filled with people. Her feet land on the back of a woman who is kneeling with a block of wood on her shoulders. Upon contact, Dixie vaporizes and is absorbed into the woman's body.

The lady's eyes snap open. She feels a heaviness on her shoulders and an aching in her knees. Dixie DeMont is no more. She has become a new entity.