Strong Woman

Dixie was up and moving. Three weeks had passed and the time nearing the next Day of Prayer was approaching. She and Bonnie were now eating at the table with the Duke as a family. Helena's punishment was not yet over so they did not have to deal with her dumb facial expressions during meal times. 

Unfortunately, Tyren was there and she was performing facial contortions every 10 minutes or so. It was actually quite amusing.

This woman seems to hate me now more than ever, Dixie thought. What for? So her daughter has been grounded, big deal. It's not as if she's in the annex. She's residing in the comforts of her bedroom.

And she's not getting fed bread and water!

Bonnie chuckled softly as she cut into her grilled salmon. The food was, as always, divine! She was, essentially eating at a Michelin Star restaurant every single day. It was a luxury a foodie like her could not stop appreciating. She glanced at Dixie and saw that she was strictly eating protein.

Her training would begin first thing tomorrow morning. They had already adjusted some of Alexander's clothing so it would fit her and picked out an instructor. A former knight by the name of Sir Rover, who had served the Del Montague family for decades. He had retired recently after surpassing age 60.

Dixie had sent him a letter requesting him to become her new trainer, offering the same payment he received before. He had responded within 2 days and accepted, praising the lady for foregoing societal prejudice and appreciating the value of personal safety. He had heard of her engagement to the Crown Prince and believed that an Empress who could fight would be even more respected. 

They had yet to inform the Duke of it. That, and their meeting with Felicia's former nanny which would take place in an hour. The older woman had refused to come to the manor, but rather invited them to meet her at her residence. Once they had permission from the Duke, they would arrange a carriage with the proper number of guards and leave immediately.

They both felt a bit restless as Dixie's unceremonious act of self-defense had kept them indoors for three weeks.

Both Marquis Liam and Prince Constantine had sent letters to Felicia stating that they wanted to come visit her now that she had recovered from her injuries. Bonnie had written back, dissuading them. She emphasized that Felicia was a proud woman who did not ever want to be seen in a vulnerable state and that they would all meet during prayer, anyways.

Setting down his cutlery, the Duke looked at Felicia. He was relieved to see that the swelling on her face had gone down and the bruises were no longer as prominent. 

She really does look exactly like Moniqua. If not for the red hair, there would be no difference. Her height, even the softness of her voice is the same. She's still a bit too thin, though. Moniqua was never this thin.

Drinking deeply from her goblet, Dixie decide to tell the Duke about their excursions. "Your grace, Alex and I will be meeting with my former nanny at her home. We're heading there right away and will take the appropriate number of guards."

Tyren dropped her fork.

Hildegarde!? Why were they meeting with her?

She had threatened that woman with the life of her sons if she continued to stick around and care for Felicia. That woman was far too loyal to Moniqua. Tyren saw that she would not be able to make her obedient and couldn't abuse Felicia as long as she was around.

Naturally, she took action!

Why did they decide to reach out to Hildegarde after all these years? Are they hoping to gather incriminating information on me?

She always suspected Hildegarde knew more about Moniqua than the Duke himself. She wouldn't have hesitated to kill off her entire family had the overbearing bitch decided to stay. 

"For what purpose are you meeting her, Felicia? After her resignation, you did not seem to care about staying in touch. Why the sudden interest?" The Due asked her.

Dixie shrugged, feeling Tyren's eyes on her. "It never really made sense to me how she just left. I thought maybe her loyalty was towards mother and not me, so I just accepted it. But she recently sent me a letter congratulating me on my engagement, so I asked her if we could meet. Perhaps, we could be close once more."

The Duke nodded, satisfied. "Make sure you do not stay with her for too long. And Alex, if you are to accompany her then ensure you return home immediately after. I know now that you always accompany her and frankly, you have too many things to learn as my heir. Do not neglect your studies!"

"I would never." Bonnie answered. "In fact, Felicia has been taking heirship classes with me. As the future Empress, we've been learning about the responsibilities together."

She threw Felicia a grin. "I'm certain when it's time to present sister to the royal family, the Emperor will be very impressed by her intelligence."

The Duke smiled at that, feeling relieved. "Very good. Keep it up and I will reward you, Felicia."

Dixie saw the opportunity. "I do not need any reward, your grace. But there is another skillset I wish to master that I hope you will approve of."

"What skillset?" Tyren gritted, more angry than ever that Felicia was getting along so well with the Duke while her poor Helena was still locked up.

Bonnie glanced at Tyren. "Felicia wishes to learn swordsmanship. Now that she's gained a healthy amount of weight, she wants to take it a step further and become a combatant."

Roelle and Tyren's eyes both widened in shock.

Swordsmanship? This little girl who looked as if a solid slap would kill her wished to learn how to handle weapons?! What nonsense! 

Tyren giggled. Obviously the Duke would refuse her request. "That is complete nonsense, Felicia! You are not only a woman, but one of noble birth. It would be improper for you to handle weapons."

The Duke nodded. "Indeed, Felicia. Weapons are for men. You do not need to become strong by learning how to fight. You can do lighter forms of exercise."

Dixie smirked. "I am not interested in light exercise; I wish to become a weapons master!"

Tyren burst into laughter. Bonnie gave her a side eye.

The Duke shook his head. "Felicia, we are surrounded by knights who would lay down their lives to protect us. There is no need for you to learn how to handle weapons. Besides that, you would be looked upon unfavorably if you were to engage in such unladylike behavior."

"I disagree, father!" Dixie locked eyes with the man before resuming. "In this empire, we worship the Goddess Kartara. Not only is she a female deity, but her main symbol is a sword. The idea of a woman warrior should not cause any gossip. If anything it should be encouraged. We should all abide by the standard the Goddess set."

"If I am to become an Empress, then I wish to set myself to a much higher expectation than just etiquette. After all, the earliest Cromwells consisted of princesses who would charge into battle with their male counterparts. Anyone who has done their research will know that the royal family comprises of long line of empowered women who took charge. Even the current Emperor's sister, who married into the northern kingdom is ruling the empire by herself after her husbands death. She is known for her leadership skills and military accomplishments!"

The Duke was silenced.

Tyren was taken aback.

Bonnie was smiling with her arms folded. Indeed, strong women had their place in the history of the Elysium empire. It would be an absurd notion to frown upon any woman, noble or commoner, who wished to learn the art of combat.

"She is correct, your grace. Becoming a fighter would garner Felicia more respect, not scorn. If some people wish to be closeminded, the leave them to it. Frankly, we cannot please everyone. Public opinion is fickle."

The Duke glanced between his children and nodded. "Very well, if that is what you truly desire then you have my permission."

Tyren objected. "Your grace, this is not right. What will the Crown Prince think? I've known him since he was a boy; he has no interest in rebellious women."

"You let me worry about that, Lady Tyren." Dixie replied smoothly. "From my meeting with him, I can say with confidence that he is a very reasonable man."

She looked back at the Duke. "My future husband will approve of me no matter what. You have my promise."

The Duke was very impressed by her confidence. "I will arrange an instructor for you."

"No need, your grace." Bonnie cut in. "I have already taken care of it. I sent a letter to Sir Rovar. He will be arriving first thing tomorrow."

The Duke was amused. "You mean to tell me that seeking my approval was just an after thought? That you had every intention of going along with your plans with or without my consent?"

"I mean no disrespect, your grace, but Felicia's request is one of self-improvement. Not self-indulgence. There was no reason for you to object." Bonnie clarified. "I will always help my sister."

Roelle actually laughed at that. The servants and Tyren were shocked by it.

The cold-hearted Duke never laughed!

At most, Lady Helena was able to get a few smiles out of him.

Now, he was not only agreeing with Lady Felicia's unusual request. But he was genuinely looking at her with affection and laughing.

In this harmonious atmosphere, Lady Helena's absence was not felt and Duchess Tyren's presence was superfluous.

The tables have truly turned.