Chapter 40 Across The Border

Ariana’s POV

The border came in front of us, the heavily oppressive energy causing us to raise our guard and quieten our movements. I walked closer behind Fenrir, watching the intense amount of guards present.

“Do as instructed, quickly.” He whispered harshly.

I responded with quickness, popping a grape in my mouth, swallowing with a sour look written on my face.

My face then began to shrunken, losing all its remaining fire, going very pale. My skin looked tired, down and without the smoothness of luxury. I had gone from royalty to roadside pauper who strangers would actually feel bad for.

The grape was a potion that was created to poison beauty, creating a mockery of what was once desired. In my terms, the perfect cover.

I then moved to his side, turning my face away although not fully. Fenrir walked firmly as though we had nothing to hide.