Chapter 82 The Mysterious Man

Ariana’s POV

Ever since that day, my mornings usually began with Damon right beside me, trying to rope me into one of his many shenanigans even though he had already done one too many the night before.

Also, I was always late for my classes now.

If you saw me in school, especially in the mornings I was always on my feet, running to make it in time for my own class which never happened before.

After or and during class, Fenrir would usually come looking for me and we would meet up with Bach and Sigil, or waited for them if they had classes.

Sometimes, Damon accompanied me and luckily Fenrir learnt how to keep his mouth shut even though they always found a way to bicker… constantly.

At first, I was tensed up whenever it would start, now it felt like a usual routine in our conversation.

The kidnappings had reduced… drastically and in such short amount of time.